Master 35M / Master 4 Course Upgrade Course

Training Master <35M on board Danial Thain
If you already have your Master <24M under the current training package, you may be eligible to apply for the upgrade course. A copy of your course certificate will need to be provided before your enrolment can be processed and accepted.
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Certification as a Master less than 35 metres Near Coastal (as defined by the NSCV Part D) will require achievement of
MAR40320 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 35 metres Near Coastal),
certification as a Master less than 24 metres Near Coastal,
an appropriate radio certificate of proficiency,
Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) final assessment
and an AMSA approved the first-aid certificate.
People seeking certification should check with AMSA.
Certification as a Mate, less than 80 metres Near Coastal, will require achievement of
MAR40320 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 35 metres Near Coastal),
qualifying sea service and completion of AMSA approved task book or qualifying sea service,
an appropriate radio certificate of proficiency,
AMSA final assessment
and an AMSA approved the first-aid certificate.
People seeking certification should check with AMSA.